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Oubeidillah, A. A, S.-C Kao, B. S. Naz, and G. Tootle. 2014. "A Large-Scale, High-Resolution Hydrological Model Parameter Data Set For Climate Change Impact Assessment For The Conterminous Us." Hydrology And Earth System Sciences 18. Hydrology And Earth S

McManamay, R. A, S.-C Kao, K. M Stewart, Brenna Elrod, B. Hadjerioua, S. T DeNeale, D. Yeasmin, M. FK Pasha, A. A Oubeidillah, and B. T Smith. 2014. New Stream-Reach Development: A Comprehensive Assessment Of Hydropower Energy Potential In The US

McManamay, R. A, M. S Bevelhimer, and E. A Frimpong. 2014. "Associations Among Hydrologic Classifications and Fish Traits to Support Environmental Flow Standards." Ecohydrology

Hadjerioua, B., M. FK Pasha, D. Yeasmin, Y. Wei, and B. T Smith. 2014. "Stream-Reach Identification For New Run-Of-River Hydropower Development Through a Merit Matrix–Based Geospatial Algorithm." Asce Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140

Hadjerioua, B., R. A McManamay, M. FK Pasha, D. Yeasmin, A. A Oubeidillah, Brenna Elrod, et al. 2014. An Assessment Of Energy Potential from New Stream-Reach Development in The United States: Initial Report on Methodology.

Jager, H. I , and R. A McManamay. 2014. "Comment On 'Cumulative Biophysical Impact Of Small And Large Hydropower Development In Nu River, China' By Kelly M. Kibler And Desiree D. Tullos”." Water Resources Research 50 (1).

McManamay, R. A, 2014. "Quantifying And Generalizing Hydrologic Responses To Dam Regulation Using A Statistical Modeling Approach." Journal Of Hydrology 519, Part A. Journal Of Hydrology: 1,278–1,296.

McManamay, R. A, M. S Bevelhimer, and S.-C Kao. 2014. "Updating The Us Hydrologic Classification: An Approach To Clustering And Stratifying Ecohydrologic Data." Ecohydrology 7 (3). Ecohydrology: 903–926.

Ashfaq, M., Ghosh, S., Kao, S.C., Bowling, L.C., Mote, P., Touma, D., Rauscher, S.A. and Diffenbaugh, N.S., 2013. Near‐term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western US. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(19), pp.10-676.

Johnson, G. E , M. S Bevelhimer, K. B Larson, J. D Tagestad, J. W Saulsbury, R. A McManamay, C. A Duberstein, et al. 2013. The Integrated Basin Scale Opportunity Assessment Initiative: Phase 1 Methodology and Preliminary Scoping Assessments for the Conne

U.S., Department of Energy, 2013. "Effects of Climate Change on Federal Hydropower - Report to Congress." U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC

McManamay, R. A, and M. S Bevelhimer. 2013. A Holistic Framework for Environmental Flows Determination in Hydropower Contexts.