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Pasha, M. FK, M. Yang, D. Yeasmin, S. Saetern, and B. T Smith. 2016. "Identifying High-Power-Density Stream-Reaches Through Refined Geospatial Resolution in Hydropower Resource Assessment." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (4)

McManamay, R. A, M. J Troia, C. R DeRolph, and Brenna Elrod. 2016. Stream Classification Tool User Manual: For Use in Applications in Hydropower-Related Environmental Mitigation.

Kao, S.-C., M. Ashfaq, B. S. Naz, R. Uría-Martínez, D. Rastogi, R. Mei, Y. Jager, Brenna Elrod, and M. J Sale. 2016. The Second Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Federal Hydropower. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN ORNL/SR-2015/

DeRolph, C. R, M. P Schramm, and M. S Bevelhimer. 2016. "Predicting Environmental Mitigation Requirements For Hydropower Projects Through The Integration Of Biophysical And Socio-Political Geographies." Science Of The Total Environment 566-567. Science Of

Touma, D. , M. Ashfaq, M. Nayak, S.-C Kao, and N. Diffenbaugh. 2015. "A Multi-Model And Multi-Index Evaluation Of Drought Characteristics In The 21St Century." Journal Of Hydrology 526 (Drought processes, modeling, and mitigation). Journal Of Hydrology: 1

McManamay, R. A, C. R DeRolph, M. J Troia, M. P Schramm, M. S Bevelhimer, K. B Larson, J. D Tagestad, G. E Johnson, and H. I Jager. 2015. Identifying Environmental Opportunities Outside the Hydropower Project Boundary: An Updated Methodology of the Basin

Bishop, N., D. Linke, C. Vansant, C. Alsbert, J. Anders, A. Grovue, S. Hill-Nelson, et al. 2015. New Pathways for Hydropower: Getting Hydropower Built-What Does It Take?

Kao, S.-C, M. J Sale, M. Ashfaq, R. Uría-Martínez, D. P Kaiser, Y. Wei, and N. Diffenbaugh. 2015. "Projecting Changes In Annual Hydropower Generation Using Regional Runoff Data: An Assessment Of The United States Federal Hydropower Plants." Energy 80. Ene

McManamay, R.A. and Frimpong, E.A., 2015. Hydrologic filtering of fish life history strategies across the United States: implications for stream flow alteration. Ecological Applications, 25(1), pp.243-263.

Uría-Martínez, R., P.W. O’Connor, and M. M. Johnson (2015). 2014 Hydropower Market Report. Washington, DC: Wind and Water Power Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy. DOE/EE-1195

O'Connor, P. W, Q. F Zhang, S. T DeNeale, D. R. Chalise, and E. E. Centurion. 2015. Hydropower Baseline Cost Modeling.

Schubel, J., J. A. Lentz, F. Qader, A. Kishaba, D. Bader, L. Perkins, E. Yam, A. Kaneda, L. Brown, B. R. Pagán, J. S. Pal, C. Gao, J. Reichenberger, D. Rastogi, S.-C. Kao, B. S. Naz, and D. Otto. 2015. "City of Long Beach Climate Resiliency Assessment Rep