Sean Turner, Debjani Singh, Carly H. Hansen and Shih-Chieh Kao. 2024. RectifHydPlus: Forty Year Hydropower Generation Reanalysis for Conterminous United States. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.21951/rectifhydplus/2440153This dataset contains the following files:
- – the RectifHydPlus dataset, split into two files:
o RectifHydPlus_HIST-backfilled_MWh.csv: Estimated actual monthly net generation from 590 Hydropower Plants (>10MW nameplate) in CONUS, 1980 – 2019, with EIA observed monthly data backfilled where available.
o RectifHydPlus_HIST-validation_MWh.csv: Estimated actual monthly net generation from 590 Hydropower Plants (>10MW nameplate) in CONUS, 1980 – 2019, with no backfilling from EIA observed monthly data.
o RectifHydPlus_CONTROL_MWh.csv: Hydrological control monthly net generation from 590 Hydropower Plants (>10MW nameplate) in CONUS, 1980 – 2019, with no backfilling from EIA observed monthly data. - Full data processing pipeline, coded using R {targets} framework. This is a snapshot release (v1.0) of the code repository stored at
- Complete set of input data used to create RectifHydPlus, organized for direct entry into “/data/” directory of the RectifHydPlus reproducible data pipeline
o RectifHydPlus_daily-release.csv: Estimated daily penstock release for
o RectifHydPlus_reference-table.csv: A reference table that links each RectifHydPlus identifier (RHPID) to relevant water-related datasets.
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